Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday Madness

Ah, Monday. The sure fire sign that a new week is upon us. However, for many, it is the beginning of trying to figure out what to cook to sustain ourselves in the myriad of life over the course of the week.

Rather than this striking fear into the hearts of most home cooks, we, together can slay the Weekly Beast. Of course I plan to hit more on these topics as we go, but we must take one thing at a time.

So, what can you do to make the week easier? Here are a few things that are helpful:

Shop Ahead
-Seems simple, right? Well, it is and that is why it can have success. Try to have ingredients on hand for a few meals. This way you don't start the week with a store trip. Saves the stress on you and your wallet.

Keep It Simple
-Good food doesn't have to be complicated food. A protein, a starch(if you like), and a couple of veggie options and you are done.

Go With What Works
-Have a goto recipe for weeknight madness already? Great! Go with what works. We don't have to reinvent the cooking wheel. We just want to tweak it so it works to our advantage.

Be A Cut Above
-Is your recipe heavy on vegetables that need to be cooked? Chop and prep those suckers ahead. Heck, you can watch your favorite show and with a cutting board and Tupperware you will be done in a flash.

OK, Weeknight. You may have won the Monday blues, but you won't win the weekly war. :)

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